Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Spinal Cord Stimulation services offered in El Paso, TX

Don’t live in discomfort when simple pain-reducing solutions are available at Border Pain Institute in El Paso, Texas. Board-certified pain management specialist Carlos Viesca, MD, and his team offer spinal cord stimulation to ease pain sensations without invasive surgery. Schedule an in-person or telehealth evaluation at Border Pain Institute today by calling the office or booking an appointment online.

What is spinal cord stimulation?

Spinal cord stimulation is a treatment involving the placement of an implantable device under the skin near your abdomen or buttocks. Like a pacemaker, this device sends low levels of electricity into your spinal cord to eliminate back pain, neck pain, and other discomfort.

How do spinal cord stimulators work?

Spinal cord stimulators consist of a small battery pack, thin electrodes (wires), and a remote control. Your pain specialist inserts the wires into the epidural space between your vertebrae and spinal cord. Using the remote control, you send electrical impulses to your spine whenever you experience discomfort. This treatment is safe and highly effective.

Which pain-causing conditions does spinal cord stimulation treat?

Border Pain Institute offers spinal cord stimulation to reduce:

  • Back discomfort
  • Failed back surgery syndrome
  • Pain after surgery
  • Heart pain
  • Inflammation
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Other forms of nerve-related pain
  • Cancer-related pain
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Peripheral vascular disease (PVD)
  • Perineal discomfort
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain after amputation (also called phantom limb pain)

You could be a candidate for the procedure if other treatments haven’t worked to relieve your discomfort. Spinal cord stimulation can improve your sleep and reduce the need to take pain medication.

Am I a candidate for spinal cord stimulation?

After discussing your medical history and symptoms, the Border Pain Institute team determines if spinal cord stimulation is right for you. Before discussing pain-reducing treatments, they complete a physical exam and bloodwork, nerve tests, imaging procedures, and/or other tests.

What can I expect during spinal cord stimulator implantation?

Your pain specialist completes spinal cord stimulator implantation in two separate steps: a trial period and permanent implantation. The trial involves determining if spinal cord stimulation works to reduce pain. If it does, your provider inserts a stimulator device under your skin.

During implantation, which takes 1-2 hours, you receive local anesthesia and a sedative to relax you. Your surgeon makes a small incision near your lower abdomen or buttocks to implant the generator and another incision near your spine to insert the electrodes. Your surgeon closes the incisions once the generator and electrodes are in place.

What is recovery like?

Follow the instructions after receiving a new spinal cord stimulator. Have someone drive you home, get plenty of rest, and use medication as directed.

Avoid vigorous activity until your doctor gives you the OK. The incisions typically heal within several weeks. Use your remote control as needed to send electrical impulses to relieve pain.

Schedule an in-person or telehealth appointment at Border Pain Institute today by phone or online to determine if spinal cord stimulation is right for you.